Formatting Test and web Line Exercise

Here are some links to other web pages of my web site.

Page 1
Page 2

This is a level 1 heading.

This is a level 2 heading.

This is a level 3 heading.

This is text that is separated from the next sentence by a paragraph tag.

Without the paragraph tag, the two sentences would appear one after the other, as shown below.

This is the text that is not separated from the next setence by a paragraph tag. It appears on multiple lines in notepad, but displays as one paragraph in your browser.This, of course, is fine if you are writing a paragraph and want all of your sentences together. I also used bolds and italics in order to highlight these options.

This text is
using italics (for no reason) and line breaks
because I don't want to
write all the way accross the screen
and I don't want a space between each line.

Did you know that in the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone there is more than one Quidditch game? In the movie with the same name there is only one such game.

Have you ever played Quidditch? In an interview with Oliver Wood, the captain of the Griffindor Quidditch team, Wood said:

I don't think Quidditch is a very dangerous sport. It's true that every once in a while one of the players will totally vanish, but usually they are found a month or two later in some remote province in Romania, usually in a dragon's nest.
I Don't know, sounds pretty dangerous to me, so if you play Quidditch make sure to wear a helmet and maybe take some Anti-Dragon spray with you.

If you would like to keep up with the latest sports news, check out theYahoo Sportscard

Different size text can be cre ated using the font and size tags.

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