
About cosmoFarmer 2.0


Started in 2001, began as a labor of love for a group of big-city dwellers experimenting with high yield agriculture in their 900 square foot apartments. Using innovative techniques like bathtub hydroponics, raised-bed coffee table farming, and patio orchards this group of urban adventurers decided to let the world know about their efforts and encourage others to take up the cause. In 2007, they launched CosmoFarmer 2.0 (Beta)™, which represents the next evolution of the indoor agricultural movement.

Our Mission

The mission of CosmoFarmer 2.0 (Beta)™ is to spread the word about high yield apartment agriculture as both a fascinating hobby and a lucrative business. By introducing our readership to cutting-edge techniques as well as pointing out potential downsides to indoor farming, we hope to foster a growing community of urban enthusiasts. In addition, we hope to make a lot of money from our online store.

Our Staff

Our Office

The cosmoFramer headquartersThe CosmoFarmer headquarters is not only the center of our publishing empire but also a high-tech testing ground for the latest tools, techniques and advances in the science of apartment farming. From the lastest in hydroponics research to the newest techniques for high-impact urban lawn surfaces, the CosmoFarmer staff strive to expand the field and science of our craft. We are located in the top floor of a historic brownstone in an unnamed major US metropolis. We prefer to keep our location secret due to the proprietary technology we are developing. We do not wish to lose our closely-guarded secrets to unscrupulous thieves. In addition, if our landlord knew what we were up to we'd be in need of a new corporate there are the credit card companies...and, well the list of reasons why we don't want to reveal our location is pretty long, so we'll stop here.